
We used to wait

I know that this is going to sound all so nostalgic, and it probably is, but I really miss getting letters in the mail. And even sending real letters, because I don't do much of that either. I used to... all the time... with little scraps of images and drawings and bits of whatever taped to the pages. It was like being with the person you were sending it to, really thinking of them reading it... a connecting thread along a time line. Now I spend quite a lot of time g-chatting with far away friends, and that's great too: immediate and spontaneous and totally informal. But an actual letter: the weight of the paper, the sender's handwriting and pen choice, even the indentations of typewriter keys... it's like a touch, like something to hold on to in a way that you never would or could, even if you printed and bound all of your most lovely emails.

Just knowing how excited I always am to see a letter in my mailbox, slipped in between the coupon fliers and the magazines, makes me want sit down and write a few myself, for old times' sake...

Fruity embossed rhymes

Joe ♡s Jane
Someone found this in a book. A (non-digital) happy accident.

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