
Hey there, Cupcake

I know, I know, this whole cupcake trend has been around for ages... but there is still something so valid, so perfectly proportioned & autonomous about the cupcake. And, I shouldn't neglect to mention, these years of cupcake craze have certainly raised the bar. No more dry and bland cake topped with overly sweet and slightly crumbly frosting for us.... we've become a pretty picky bunch.

After getting briefly caught up in Magnolia Bakery fandom (and, I admit, I still love strolling through the West Village on a summer evening to grab an after dinner dessert when in NYC) my current favorite cupcake recipes are by my dear friend and former classmate Ming Thompson of mingmakescupcakes fame. The flavor combinations are well-balanced and innovative... never too sweet... and are easier than they look to recreate at home. Ming is surely destined for stardom, both culinary and design-wise, so take a peek at her latest confections and say you knew her when.

ming makes cupcakes

1 comment:

  1. who would ever want this trend to die!! :)
    may cupcakes live forever and soon be delivered to my door as a pizza might!


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